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bperez 10-11-2015 08:53 PM

DMC Rules Based Setting
Has anyone experienced a problem setting Repeat and Shuffle modes using rules? I have a rule that turns on my decorations and starts a playlist, but for some reason it doesn't trigger the "Set Repeat to On" or "Set Random to On." I am on version 5.0.35.

TimShriver 10-12-2015 08:16 AM

Re: DMC Rules Based Setting
I'll ask Tyler to see if he is able to duplicate your issue on our current version 6 build. And get back to you...



bperez 10-12-2015 08:21 AM

Re: DMC Rules Based Setting
Thanks Tim

TimShriver 10-12-2015 03:08 PM

Re: DMC Rules Based Setting
Okay, we can confirm that those two DVC actions are not working in version 5 or 6. Also in version 6 we added support for Internet Radio and there are two actions to set the mode to Radio and none to switch back to music. Those issues will be addressed in the next public release of version 6.

Thank you,


bperez 10-12-2015 03:13 PM

Re: DMC Rules Based Setting
Thanks Tim. I guess I've found my motivation to upgrade to v6.

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