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john.cafagna 01-15-2017 06:39 AM

Re: HAL, Amazon Echo/Dot, SMS, and TV Control
As an FYI I personally found it easier, when using Alexa to turn off groups, to create a fake x10 device with a letter code I am not using and have HAL rules run off of that turning off or on. Example (Inside Light, HAL Virtual (Custom) X10, with code E07). Add that in the bridge then can say, "Alexa turn on inside lights". I may be making it more difficult, but works better for me. :)

I do have a question regarding the .bat file running the open command prompt. In the VERY APPRECIATED and EASY TO FOLLOW directions for HAL BWS Setup, it states, " Remember to remove this after testing or it will be nuisance when everything is working well and you simply want to close the window". Is this referring to the pause command? Is there a way for the cmd window to close and the Echo still see those connected devices? It appears when I close down the window, the Echo cannot control the lights. Thanks!

dtomcat 01-15-2017 06:51 AM

Re: HAL, Amazon Echo/Dot, SMS, and TV Control
That window needs to stay open. When you close that window, you are actually closing the program. if you remove the pause command, then the window would close automatically when the program stops running. So I believe the nuisance they are talking about is only the PAUSE portion as it requires your input to close the window. Only way to remove this window would be to call it in the background (would have to google that if it's even possible, but i'm pretty sure it is).

TimShriver 01-15-2017 07:33 AM

Re: HAL, Amazon Echo/Dot, SMS, and TV Control

Originally Posted by john.cafagna (Post 31757)
As an FYI I personally found it easier, when using Alexa to turn off groups, to create a fake x10 device with a letter code I am not using and have HAL rules run off of that turning off or on. Example (Inside Light, HAL Virtual (Custom) X10, with code E07). Add that in the bridge then can say, "Alexa turn on inside lights". I may be making it more difficult, but works better for me. :)


You can use the Groups command in HAL and in the HA Bridge. For example, I have my lights grouped in lots of ways. Upstairs, Main Floor, Basement, Inside, Outside, Front, Back... Take the HAL Group Outside... In the HA Bridge it adds this item as just the Group name Outside. So you would say to Alexa "Turn Outside Off" To keep my command consistent with HAL and for clarity I edit the Name in the HA Bridge to be "All Outside Lights" . This means I say the same thing to HAL and Alexa; "Turn All Outside Lights On". I don't use a virtual device or rule, just the HAL Group.


Pat Smith 03-14-2017 04:48 PM

Re: HAL, Amazon Echo/Dot, SMS, and TV Control
Hello, I cant seem to open Ha bridge. I have Hal Ultra on windows 10 using chrome it downloads but does not open> I have nothing but Java icon with Ha bridge any help would be greatly appreciated. Do I need a the Hue bridge for this to work. I have all X10 devices

TimShriver 03-14-2017 06:07 PM

Re: HAL, Amazon Echo/Dot, SMS, and TV Control
Hi Pat,

Here is the most recent setup guide. I'm not sure if you tried to follow an older version of this guide. Let me know if after following these instructions, you are still unable to get it to work.



john.cafagna 11-30-2017 05:37 PM

Re: HAL, Amazon Echo/Dot, SMS, and TV Control
I had to throw out my old computer and start over. As I reinstalled HAL I also had to recreate the HAI Bridge. When I went to their site, there is a new version which I used. The Token no longer goes in the old spot, but next to the HAL setting.... almost like you could have multiple HAL servers now.

Anyway, I have run into an issue where errors are populating after it runs for a couple minutes and then my Echo can no longer have the devices respond. Anyone else having these issues or know of a fix? Not sure if it is a coincidence with the new HAI jar file or maybe my computer or even my Insteon USB interface.


UPDATE - Just noticed they released a 5.0.0 jar file. I was on 4.5.6 --- I will monitor with new file.

The jar file is still throwing some strange codes in the open cmd window. When the codes are displayed Alexa often can no longer have the HAL devices respond when I use voice commands.
Within the codes thrown with spark.http.matching.MatcherFilter is a frequent presence in most error lines. An exact code is: 2017-12-02 16:27:58,723 [qtp6696044-22] INFO spark.http.matching.MatcherFilter - The requested route [//(null)] has not been mapped in Spark for Accept: [null]

djewell 12-29-2017 09:38 AM

Re: HAL, Amazon Echo/Dot, SMS, and TV Control
Has anyone used the ifttt skill and webhooks to send a web service request to run a macro? I’ve set it up and it works but I still hate that I have to use the word trigger. Wondering if anyone else has found anything to send something more natural.

john.cafagna 01-18-2019 06:35 PM

Re: HAL, Amazon Echo/Dot, SMS, and TV Control
Has anyone had the issue that Alexa says server is unresponsive for HAL devices added via Ha Bridge?

It happened out of nowhere on or about 1/16/2019.

I attempted deleting and re-adding devices with no luck.

The web portal for the Ha Bridge still controls the lights and is available on my network at a static IP address. HAL Homenet also still works.

djewell 01-19-2019 04:14 PM

Re: HAL, Amazon Echo/Dot, SMS, and TV Control
I am having the same issue too since the 7.4.1 upgrade I also noticed that the new Alexa interface is available but not sure how to set it up or if the skill is available in Canada

dtomcat 01-31-2019 02:19 PM

Re: HAL, Amazon Echo/Dot, SMS, and TV Control
if you deleted them and readded them... make sure you also delete them out of the Alexa App and rescan ... I seem to have an issue where the URLs in HA bridge somewhere messed up after an update or something... I basically deleted HA bridge stuff and started from scratch... then deleted everything HA Bridge related in Alexa app... and did a rescan. After that, everything worked again

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