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stregone 07-16-2016 08:59 AM

Cannot add Blocked numbers
After installing HAL Ultra Version 6.1.19 I can no longer right click from the incoming call list to add a phone number to the blocked list. The cursor will not even go down that far in the menu. I even tried to add the number to the directory so I could go back and change it to blocked, but it wont add the number to the directory either.

Does anybody know how I can resolve this issue? :confused:

TimShriver 07-19-2016 01:02 PM

Re: Cannot add Blocked numbers
Hi, I'm not sure what you mean when you say "The cursor will not even go down that far in the menu." There was a problem with the Directory view and popup menus that was recently addressed.

Build 6.1.18 May 31, 2016
Fixed PhonePad popup menu issue on Address Grid.

Can you post a screen capture or describe the problem a bit more. Feel free to call Tech Support for assistance!



stregone 07-23-2016 08:50 AM

Re: Cannot add Blocked numbers
1 Attachment(s)
The attached screen shot shows what happens when I right-click on a phone number I want to add to the blocked list from the Incoming Calls screen. The only thing I can do with the mouse is highlight Add to Directory and then select Fname, Lname or Company name, I am unable to continue down the menu to highlight Add to Blocked List, the cursor ignores that section. And if I try Add to Directory by Company Name, the name is not added to the directory so that I can not go back into the added name and make it a Blocked contact. Additionally, when I turn on the answering machine and call my house, HAL will answer the phone, but does not play the outgoing TTS message, its just silent. Also, if I leave a message, its not recorded. I have the latest update installed that I downloaded last night and the issue still exists. The caller ID announcement works fine and the phone is answered, but no sound on the callers end, not even a beep. My HAL computer is running Windows 10 now, so I am not sure if this is a conflict between HAL and Windows 10 because I did not have this issue with Windows XP or Windows 7.

TimShriver 07-23-2016 08:58 AM

Re: Cannot add Blocked numbers
Hi Robert,

Now I follow you! I have added this to the Mantis Bug Tracking system... It will be resolved in the next build. The current Public release for HALultra is 6.1.27, internally we are at 6.1.28. So build 6.1.29 will address this...

In the meantime I have found a work around... after you get the popup window use your mouse to approach from the bottom of the menu instead of the top ;-) this will allow you to get to that option. It looks like once a sub menu is opened you cannot go anywhere else in the menu.



stregone 07-23-2016 09:14 AM

Re: Cannot add Blocked numbers
Tim, thanks for the quick response.

I tried the work-around and was able to access the menu as you suggested, but the phone number and name are still not added to the blocked list.

I thought you might want to be aware of that as well.

Any suggestions as to why my outgoing TTS announcement in the answering machine is silent? Has that issue been posted somewhere on the board?

I know it worked in the past and I have not changed the settings since then.

TimShriver 07-23-2016 09:23 AM

Re: Cannot add Blocked numbers
Hi Robert,

Thanks for pointing out the other issue with actually executing a sub menu item! Noted and it too will be fixed.

Are you able to Modify the Mailbox with the outgoing TTS and click the "Test Greeting" button?

If so, what happens if you switch to a recorded Greeting? Does the outgoing message play then?

Also which modem are you using?



stregone 07-23-2016 10:39 AM

Re: Cannot add Blocked numbers
I successfully recorded an outgoing message and tested the recording and it played when clicking "test greeting" however, when I call the house the same issue presents itself, HAL answers the call but no outgoing message is heard.

I apologize for the long delay in my responses, I am trying to prepare for a movie shoot in Dallas while troubleshooting HAL at the same time, sorry.

stregone 07-23-2016 11:00 AM

Re: Cannot add Blocked numbers
The modem is HAL VP100

TimShriver 07-23-2016 11:18 AM

Re: Cannot add Blocked numbers
Well, this is not good news... Are you able to talk to HAL over the local Handset???

stregone 07-23-2016 11:38 AM

Re: Cannot add Blocked numbers
Yes, speaking through the handset works just fine and my custom TTS responses work as well, never have had an issue with them.

TimShriver 07-23-2016 12:34 PM

Re: Cannot add Blocked numbers
1 Attachment(s)
Are your phone settings like in the attached image?


stregone 07-23-2016 02:24 PM

Re: Cannot add Blocked numbers
Yes my phone settings screen matches the attachment

dtomcat 07-23-2016 07:53 PM

Re: Cannot add Blocked numbers
I do not mean to hijack this thread, but only want to ask a questions since it seems alluded to in Tim's response...

I have a VP100 modem... and have notice I am unable to use my handsets to speak to HAL... is this the problem you alluded to in your last response on first page of this thread?


stregone 07-23-2016 08:42 PM

Re: Cannot add Blocked numbers

There was a lot of different issues discovered throughout my troubleshooting phase:

My ISP had issues with my service and I suspect since its the same as my phone company, the Caller ID was not reporting either because I noticed HAL was not announcing my calls.

There appeared to be a conflict with my com ports and I noticed during my last call to the home phone from my iPhone, there was no ring in the ear piece of my iPhone while the house phone was ringing, only silence, which is probably why I could not hear the announcement once HAL answered.

Then I remembered reading somewhere on the board that having HAL announce the caller repeatedly could possibly cause an issue.

My internet connection came back, I resolved the com port conflict, I changed the HAL settings to announce call Once instead of until call is answered and I rebooted my iPhone, After all that, everything has mysteriously been restored to normal again. I call the home phone, I hear the phone ring in the iPhone earpiece, Hal announces the call, I heard HAL's TTS play the outgoing answering machine message, left a message and Finally everything is restored. Not sure how many of my sub issues were related to this whole thing, but sharing all the details may help someone else in the future.

Thanks for taking the time to help me troubleshoot on what should be your day off, I cannot begin to tell you how much I appreciate your expertise and assistance. Now I can feel comfortable leaving my home in HAL's hands again while I am gone to Dallas.

Have a Great Weekend. :)

TimShriver 08-12-2016 12:55 PM

Re: Cannot add Blocked numbers

Originally Posted by dtomcat (Post 31611)
I do not mean to hijack this thread, but only want to ask a questions since it seems alluded to in Tim's response...

I have a VP100 modem... and have notice I am unable to use my handsets to speak to HAL... is this the problem you alluded to in your last response on first page of this thread?


Hi Rob,

No not the same thing. Do you have the phone lines in the correct jacks for line and phone. This is often the problem. Also check to make sure that in System Settings under Voice Rec that the "Enable Telephone ASR" is checked, then under Telephone the the "Supports house phones" is checked.

Please let me know if that solves it...


TimShriver 08-12-2016 12:58 PM

Re: Cannot add Blocked numbers

Originally Posted by stregone (Post 31612)
Then I remembered reading somewhere on the board that having HAL announce the caller repeatedly could possibly cause an issue.

My internet connection came back, I resolved the com port conflict, I changed the HAL settings to announce call Once instead of until call is answered and I rebooted my iPhone, After all that, everything has mysteriously been restored to normal again. I call the home phone, I hear the phone ring in the iPhone earpiece, Hal announces the call, I heard HAL's TTS play the outgoing answering machine message, left a message and Finally everything is restored. Not sure how many of my sub issues were related to this whole thing, but sharing all the details may help someone else in the future.

I am running Windows 7 (32) with 4gb and a VP300. I am able to have the announce Until Answered on with no issue. Have you tried to go back to announce Until Answered to see if it was something else?


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