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andyp1 01-28-2015 05:43 PM

incorporated in version 6
Was MY Servant incorporated in version 6?

dtomcat 01-28-2015 07:45 PM

Re: incorporated in version 6
It is not in the initial release of V6... but I believe (not fact) that it will be incorporated on a later release of V6.


TimShriver 01-28-2015 08:02 PM

Re: incorporated in version 6
Rob is correct... It will be free as part version of HAL v6. It will be a seperate install as we don't want to increase the size of the base HAL installer for the MyServant when not everyone will want or use it. It will be a free separate download and install.

Currently we are trying to address a few remaining issues relating to the newer databases and the newer graphics.

We will certainly post the download link in this section of the Message Board for those that want to begin playing with it at their own risk when it enters a beta state.



Thanks Rob :D

bob in canmore 02-07-2015 10:47 AM

Re: incorporated in version 6
It has been a long tome since I looked at MyServant...
Is Vince still around?

The old messages aren't available to refer to- is there a place I could refresh my memory as to what MyServant can do?


Tyler 02-07-2015 03:11 PM

Re: incorporated in version 6
Hello Bob,

I'll see about getting some screen shots and feature details on the updated MyServant posted next week.


HAL Support

rajenkins 03-10-2015 01:14 PM

Re: incorporated in version 6
That's really great news - I liked Myservant when I had it running with an earlier incarnation of my HAL system, but unfortunately lost something critical when I had to build a new machine & never got myservant running again.

bob in canmore 06-06-2015 12:13 PM

Re: incorporated in version 6
Any updates on screenshots and features?


richland007 06-11-2015 07:11 PM

Re: incorporated in version 6
This is great news i liked MyServant a whole lot and the rest of the family did too cause it is great for those who don't speak English that well and can interface with the system via the user interface.
It has been a major hold back for me to upgrade.... cant wait for it

code monkey 07-20-2015 08:49 PM

Re: incorporated in version 6
Having a look around my old stomping ground for the first time in a very long time. I am very glad to see that MyServant hasn't died. I spent a lot of time troubleshooting builds for him back in the day and I never could understand why more people didn't use it. I sure hope Vince finally made some money off of this project. He put a lot of time in to it.

TimShriver 07-21-2015 06:17 AM

Re: incorporated in version 6
MyServant has a few GUI issues we are still working out. We will make it available to those interested for free both during the beta testing phase and after it's release.


Jim in MO 08-06-2015 11:30 AM

Re: incorporated in version 6
Upgrading to 6 today and can't wait for My Servant to show up!

TimShriver 08-19-2015 01:59 PM

Re: incorporated in version 6
When MyServant is done, it will be made available for free to v6 users...

radiodyne 08-26-2015 04:19 AM

Re: incorporated in version 6
How or where do I access MyServant?

TimShriver 08-26-2015 06:23 AM

Re: incorporated in version 6

Originally Posted by radiodyne (Post 31434)
How or where do I access MyServant?

When MyServant is ready for public use, it will be available on our download page. We we also notify users via the message board and Twitter.



andyp1 11-14-2015 06:40 AM

Re: incorporated in version 6
Does anyone have an update on when MyServant will be available?

TimShriver 11-21-2015 04:40 PM

Re: incorporated in version 6
We are having a problem with the installer for HALms and it detecting if it is an update or new install. We would hate to have it overwrite existing databases! Sorry this is taking so long...

andyp1 03-30-2016 01:40 PM

Re: incorporated in version 6
Just wanted to check on the progress of My Servant, getting closer to a release?


TimShriver 03-30-2016 01:49 PM

Re: incorporated in version 6
Unfortunately or fortunately depending upon your perspective, HAL keeps advancing week after week and we have to go back and update MyServant to address changes that would render it inoperable.

That's where we are now. I will be personally working on it. As previously mentioned, this will be free to current HAL customers.


Wirenut 03-31-2016 05:55 AM

Re: incorporated in version 6
I have been waiting for this, as well. Keep that progress going!

andyp1 04-04-2016 02:26 PM

Re: incorporated in version 6
Thanks for the update Tim.

code monkey 11-24-2016 12:16 PM

Re: incorporated in version 6
Been using a different automation software for a few years mainly because my home centers around the touch screens. But I think the product will be dead soon given somethings I've been told. And honestly the touch screen capability is it's only really good feature.

So I really hope you get this software up and going soon. I really want to come back!


dtomcat 01-28-2018 09:34 AM

Re: incorporated in version 6
Has this project been scratched?

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