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corlessm 03-25-2016 05:57 AM

HAL & Main Lobby

Well its been some time now but I am using HAL and looking forward to getting it up in full swing. I have the latest version running and having some trouble finding the documentation to integrate into Main Lobby.

Does anyone have any experience they could share please.

Anything would be great.


bob in canmore 07-05-2016 12:45 PM

Re: HAL & Main Lobby
Hi Mark-

I have 2 systems running HAL and ML in parallel. They used to be on the same machine, but now a NUC runs ML at one site and HAL at the other. I primarily use touch screens to run ML, ipads mostly but it will run on anything the way my supplier has set it up.


ML runs most of it with HAL answering the phone and doing the schedule stuff.

I too would like to know the level of interaction. Are the systems synergistic or, as I am thinking, antagonistic?

ML will have scheduling soon and I don't know the applicability of HAL in that scenario. There must be a higher level of integration.

PM me if you want details.

Anyone else out there? See my original post.


TimShriver 07-06-2016 07:20 AM

Re: HAL & Main Lobby
Hi Bob,

Thanks for responding to Mark's post. His integration issues were based on our MLHAL plugin. Main Lobby at some point changed something that created a conflict with a 3rd party control we had been using for drop down boxes, text boxes and buttons (PVCombo.ocx). We changed to a different control and rebuilt the MLHAL to resolve the conflict. While replacing the drop down boxes used for selection, we somehow changed the layer that some of the controls appear thereby making them invisible to the user. Through Mark's help we were able to finally resolve the issue and now the current version of MLHAL works with Main Lobby for integration between the systems.

Thanks again,


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