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rajenkins 03-11-2015 12:33 PM

Z-Wave - compatible controllers
can you please clarify the Z-Wave interface requirements for HAL.

In the Security & I/O topic, it appears two z-wave units are mentioned:
Vizia RF and VRC0P with a +3

I have just received a Leviton Z-Wave interface - it appears to match both devices mentioned: Vizia rf+ VCROP-1LW

On the underside of the device, it is labelled "vizia rf + 3 Catalog No. VRCOP"

Is this all that is needed to work with HAL for lighting and general control, or is a second device of some sort required?

[I have various z-wave devices set up at present, using a Vera controller/interface].

I bought the VRCOP to try with my HAI Omni, but as it appears to also be the one required for HAL, I think it would better used this way if suitable.

dtomcat 03-11-2015 02:59 PM

Re: Z-Wave - compatible controllers
since you already have a Z-wave network set up... I believe all you have to do is set up the VRC0P as a secondary controller. After you add it to your network as the 2nd controller... just add each device into HAL with it's Node number. Should be all you need to do.

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