Thread: Nest
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Old 01-12-2017, 02:36 PM   #9
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Default Re: Nest

I had the same problem when I upgraded to v.39. I first thought it was some sort of permissions issue but could never resolve it. Instead what I did was log on with a (Win10) local account (instead of my admin account), then ran the installation (run with admin rights) and did not receive any oleaut32.dll error during installation. I do however seem to have some sort of issue that's surfaced where my HALUltra crashes repeatedly for about 10-12 times after starting. Then, after going through several WatchDog automatic restarts the crashing stops and it runs just fine. I have been trying to troubleshoot what the problem might be, the only error I see in WatchDog is "Alive Registry not set" or something along those lines. I will give tech support a call if I can ever work from home and able to be there for someone to help me determine root cause here. For Christmas I got an Amazon Echo and Dot, I configured the HA Bridge with very little issues at all. Seems to run great, am still learning how to create commands, but overall I like it a lot!
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