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I'm trying to talk to HAL through a microphone, but it's not working.

  • The attention word mode is enabled.
  • Make sure you're saying the right attention word and/or that you're saying it as HAL expects it to be said. To double-check, go to the Personal Assistant Configuration screen and look at what is assigned for the attention word. Click the SPEAK WORD button to hear how HAL expects that attention word to be pronounced.
  • If you don't hear what you just recorded, then the microphone may not be working or isn't installed properly. Make sure that the microphone is installed correctly (consult the computer's or microphone's documentation for information on installing the microphone). If the microphone is installed correctly but there's no audio, then install a new microphone.
  • If you can hear what you recorded, but the audio is scratchy, intermittent, or otherwise difficult to understand, then the microphone may be going bad or is of poor quality. Replace the microphone and re-run the Sound Recorder program to see if the audio has improved.
NOTE: A computer consumes very little energy and can be left on all the time. Computer monitors do not need to be turned on when HAL is running, unless the computer's microphone is part of the monitor or powered by the monitor, in which case the monitor only needs to be on when you're interacting with HAL through that microphone.


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Article details
Article ID: 16
Category: Troubleshooting - Interacting With HAL
Date added: 2012-11-28 20:47:18
Views: 931
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.2/5.0 (33)

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